Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan (JIKA) is a peer-reviewed journal. In 2019-2021 JIKA had been published by the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Akper Yapenas 21 Maros. In 2022, JIKA change publisher to Sarana Ilmu Indonesia (Salnesia). The website changed ojs.yapenas21maros.ac.id/jika to salnesia.id/jika. The reason for the displacement publisher is to further improve the quality of the journal and be consistent and sustainable without problems. Nevertheless, cooperation is still carried out. JIKA is focusing on several issues in the field of health including preventive, promotive, curative, and rehabilitative. The first printed edition was published in April 2013 the system is offline and published three times a year, issued in April, August, and December. In the course of publication, JIKA has undergone a change of manager (Editor), as well as obstacles in its publishing routine. So, JIKA ever did not experience publication from 2016-to 2018. Inspired by the Indonesian journal Volunteers (RJI) with the Online Journal System (OJS) version 3. JIKA initiated to resume re-publication from the August edition of 2019 with the same month issue (April, August, December). Great hope to all of the prospective authors to participate and submit a scientific article on JIKA. Now, JIKA is accredited by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia (RISTEKDIKTI), 158/E/KPT/2021 with a score of SINTA 3
Jurnal Keperawatan Profesional (KEPO) adalah jurnal peer-review yang diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) Akper Yapenas 21 Maros yang memfokuskan pada beberapa isu di bidang ilmu keperawatan. Edisi cetak pertama diterbitkan pada bulan November 2016 sistem offline, dan diterbitkan dua kali setahun, yang dikeluarkan pada bulan Mei dan November. Dalam perjalanan publikasinya, KEPO sudah menerbitkan sampai Vol. 3 No. 1 Mei Tahun 2018 versi cetak, namun mengalami kendala sehingga 2 volume berikutnya tidak terbit. Oleh karena itu, KEPO akan mulai perdana versi elektronik pada Vol. 1 No. 1 November Tahun 2020 dengan sistem Online Journal System (OJS) versi 3. Besar harapan kami kepada seluruh calon author untuk berpartisipasi mensubmit artikel ilmiah pada KEPO. p-ISSN: 2548-1940, e-ISSN: 2746-8038, doi:10.36590/kepo.
Jurnal Abmas Negeri (JAGRI) adalah jurnal peer-review yang memfokuskan pada kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat. Edisi Elektronik pertama diterbitkan pada bulan Desember 2020, dan diterbitkan dua kali setahun, yang dikeluarkan pada bulan Desember dan Juni. JAGRI akan mulai perdana versi elektronik pada Vol. 1 No. 1 Desember 2020 dengan sistem Online Journal System (OJS) versi 3. JAGRI awal diterbitkan oleh LPPM Akper Yapenas 21 Maros Sejak 2020-2021 kemudian beralih penerbit ke CV. Sarana Ilmu Indonesia (salnesia) di awal tahun 2022-sekarang. Besar harapan kami kepada seluruh calon author untuk berpartisipasi mensubmit artikel ilmiah pengabdian masyarakat pada JAGRI. e-ISSN: 2746-802X, doi: 10.36590/jagri.
Gema kesehatan is published by Poltekkes Kemenkes Jayapura twice a year. p-ISSN 2088-5083/e-ISSN 2654-8100. Kemdikbudristek has accredited the Gema Kesehatan journal to rank four from 2019 to 2023 based on the decree:164/E/KPT/2021
Asian Social Work Journal (ASWJ) is an international social work journal, double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access journal published by the Secholian Publication PLT. The journal focuses on the following social work topics: social work theory, social work method, social work practice, and field of social work. It provides an academic platform for professionals and researchers (social work educator and social workers) to contribute innovative in the field of social work.
Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH)
The main purpose of the journal is to promote publications of research papers in the discipline of social sciences and humanities in Malaysia. However, high-quality academic paper from the South-east Asian countries and the Asian region will be considered.
Jurnal Keperawatan Tropis Papua (JKTP) is a publication media for scientific works in the field of nursing in the form of research articles, literature reviews, book reviews, comments, news on scientific activities, and other articles considered to be acceptable to the editorial board. Scientific coverage is prioritized in the field of Tropical Nursing and its relevance to fundamental fields in the nursing profession.
Seltics journal contains articles that are taken from analytical-critical studies in the field of teaching English, literature, and linguistics. It can be in the form of research results or conceptual ideas.
The Arab Journal of Applied Linguistics (AJAL- ISSN: 2490-4198) is a biannual, peer-reviewed, and open-access journal devoted to the study of languages and language education in the Arab world from different disciplinary perspectives, including education, language pedagogy, language planning and policies, sociology, psychology, information technology, translation, and speech and hearing.
Journal of Educational Research in Developing Areas (JEREDA) (eISSN: 2735-9107) is an international peer-reviewed journal. It is devoted to publishing manuscripts in developing or emerging areas in the field of Education. It is floated to publish and expand literature and research reports in the developing areas, raise fundamental issues (definitions, types, etiologies, concepts based on theoretical framework of the past and present) and provide valid research outcomes, enough literature in developing areas. The journal is published Triannually (April, August and December) in both online and printed versions.
Bina Generasi: Jurnal Kesehatan merupakan jurnal berkala ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh LPPM STIKES BINA GENERASI Polewali Mandar sejak tahun 2007, dengan p-ISSN: 1979-150X dan e-ISSN: 2621-2919.Jurnal ini menerima tulisan ilmiah berupa laporan penelitian (Original article research paper) dengan fokus dan scope meliputi Keperawatan Komunitas dan keluarga, Keperawatan Anak, Keperawatan medikal bedah, Keperawatan jiwa, Keperawatan Maternitas, Kebidanan, Promosi Kesehatan, Kesehatan Lingkungan, Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja, Administrasi Kebijakan Kesehatan, Manajemen Rumah Sakit, Gizi Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Kesehatan Reproduksi. Bina Generasi : Jurnal kesehatan, Terbit 2 kali Setahun pada bulan maret dan september, berisi tulisan yang di angkat dari hasil penelitian dan kajian Analisis Kritis aplikasi teori dan pembahasan perpustakaan tentang masalah-masalah dibidang Kesehatan khususnya keperawatan dan kebidanan oleh mahasiswa dan dosen di dunia pendidikan dan intitusi pelayanan.
The mission of our open-access journal is to provide a publishing platform pertaining to the latest trends and developments in digital marketing. The journal provides a space for academics and practitioners to share and disseminate their latest research using an open-source journal that provides a rigorous and profound review process on a high visibility platform. Ultimately, this journal will be an augmented repository of invaluable information in digital marketing
Window of Health : Jurnal kesehatan is a publication of scientific work in the field of health in a broad sense such as public health, nursing, midwifery, medicine, pharmacy, health psychology, nutrition, health technology, health analysis, health information systems, medical records, hospital management and so on. In addition, the Journal was first established since 2017 by the Institute of Study and Management Center Journal of the Faculty of Public Health University Muslim Indonesia located in Makassar, South Sulawesi. Window of Health : Jurnal Kesehatan published on January, April, July and October.
Repositori IAIN Palopo